Table For Moms Program & The MomFund | Unruh Furniture Providing Solid Wood Dining Tables To Single Mothers In Need For No Cost

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Table For Moms Program & The MomFund | Unruh Furniture Providing Solid Wood Dining Tables To Single Mothers In Need For No Cost

We are a company that approaches furniture differently then any other furniture store in our industry. We provide solid, beautifully handcrafted, hardwood furniture that is customizable and guaranteed for life. We have quite a unique story,from handcrafting custom furniture in a 100 year old church to giving away a table a month to local single moms.

Here at Unruh we believe that a new dining room table can make a real difference to a family, that is why every month we promise to build custom table for a single-mom for free. We do not think that a dining table should be considered “extra”. Every home and every family should have a place to gather together, a place to share a meal, stories and encourage one another. That why is 5 years ago Sam, the owner of Unruh Furniture, created the Tables for Mom Program.

The First Mom

In 2013, Sam was just getting started creating custom furniture and at that time it was only a two man team him and his first employee, Robert. They got to talking one day about their childhoods and Robert had told Sam about growing up with a single mother. Robert’s moms was extremely hardworking and did everything she could to make ends meets, but they didn’t always have everything they needed. He had explained to Sam that a kind hearted neighbor noticed this and gifted his family with their own dining table. This simple piece of furniture helped create a home and place that provided stability where his family would always be able to come and gather around.

This really got Sam’s attention and sparked a desire to be that kind hearted person that could help other single moms in need. Since then Sam created the Tables for Moms program and started handcrafting dining tables for a single mom every month.

Tables for Moms


Every month we receive dozens of inspiring Table for Moms applications. Our Office Manager will narrow down the applications to three and then during our monthly company wide meeting we get to hear about those three single moms and their story. Then each employee will get to vote on who will be that month’s recipient. We take this very seriously and care deeply for all of the mothers and families who have been nominated.

If you have a mom in mind that you would like to nominate, please let us know and share her story with us!

Mom Fund

So far we have been able to help over 55 families by giving them a new table. In doing so we have found that most of the mothers we worked with had needs that went beyond just a table. So at the beginning of 2018 we launched the Mom Fund as a new way for us and others to connect with the initiative. We are still very committed to giving away a table every month and will pay for it ourselves, but we also came up with another way to meet the extra needs that single moms may have with the Mom Fund.

The Mom Fund is simple: buy a Mom Fund t-shirt (don’t worry, you don’t have to be a mom to wear one) but all the profits be used towards the needs of single moms in Kansas City. We sell these super comfy shirts to help support the Mom Fund and have been able to help meet those extra needs by paying a utility bill, getting groceries, and even buying a new washing machine!

How to Get Involved

If you know of a single mom who could really use a table or if you want to support our Momfund by purchasing a comfy t-shirt then click the website link below. We can do more together. We are constantly looking for moms to help and for others to join us in caring for Single Moms. The more we spread the word about the MomFund the more we will be able to help!

Learn more at:

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