Sephra Chocolate Memorial Day Special

16 Home Office Desk Ideas For Two

By admin
5 Min Read

Whether you’re working from home or in an office, it’s important for your work space to fulfill certain requirements. The desk is not optional. The chair is another must-have. Then you have the options of choosing between a single desk and a version for two. The second model can be very useful when you need to do some team work or when both you and your partner need to work and you don’t want to do it one at a time. Here we are with some beautiful desks for two.

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Sharing the same desk with another person can be difficult sometimes. It’s particularly bad when those persons have different habits. These models try to avoid all that with their functional and simple designs. There are several options to choose from. For example, a side by side desk can be very practical. This way each person has its own space and they can both interact and sit face to face.

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Another option would be a long desk that two persons can share.You can also opt for matching chairs for the desk. You can even have a his and hers area. It can also be useful to divide the desk just so that both persons can enjoy an equal amount of space. Still, such desks are designed to facilitate interaction so it might not matter at one point who has more space and why as long as the work is done.

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Whatever their design is, they all share in common functionality and efficiency. And if you really can’t get along with your desk partner there’s always the options of splitting the space in two.

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If the two of you don’t mind sitting side by side and sharing the same work surface, then two chairs can fit in the center of the desk and the sides can be outfitted with storage. This way each person gets to have a private portion.

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On the other hand, it’s often better to have the two actual working areas occupy the ends of a desk and to have a few drawers or a storage compartment in between them.

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And if privacy is really important, then two persons can each sit in their private corner. These two corner desks were placed side by side and fit perfectly in this area of the room.

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This is a somewhat similar layout, except that the corners were used for storage. Each individual gets a wall with drawers, shelves and cabinets.

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One continuous desk wraps around the room on three sides. Seems like a practical idea for a shared office. But who gets to face the windows? That could be a problem.

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It’s best to encourage kids to work together harmoniously so let them sit side by side when using their shared desk. The lack of boundaries in between encourages them to share more.

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In a traditional setting, two persons would face each other while working and they’d be sharing a table. This one appears to be part of the wall unit’s design.

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How chic is this home office? The rug brings pattern into the mix and the dark wooden floor is the perfect color to ground the bright décor.

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You don’t necessarily need a desk designed for two to be able to share your home office with someone else. Two matching desks can face each other and allow each person to have a personal space while also sharing the room with someone else.

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